Multi Function Barricade
Features: -
Suitable for: -
- Made of UV resistant durable polyethylene to withstand outdoor environments
- One - piece moulded with rounded edges to increase safety
- Corrosion proof, no cuts or handling burns under sunshine
- Bright colours & built - in 90° flip angle reflective sticker plate
- Unique stackable design for compact storage & trasnport of barricade
- Exclusive trolley pallet for excelent handling & mobility of barricade
- Simple & versatile design to set-up and tear down
- Barricade can be tilted or rotated for uneven terrain
- Equipped with linking strips to connect or double up barricades
- Mounting slot for sleeve anchor or castor
- 3 types of extend/retract foot stand to suit desired application
- Compact sand box to increase stability of barricade
- Additional empty space for large stickers or logos
- Solor blinker, warning flag and slide-in signboard accessories for extra safety features or advertising
Suitable for: -
- Any kind of event
- Crowd control
- Pedestrian walkway
- Access restiction
- Construction & maintenance sites
- Traffic control
- Beach & marine sites
- Pets & animal fencing